This is our annual trip that we do every year to Yosemite. We love going to Yosemite during Valentine's Day weekend because there is enough snow in the valley but nice outside where you can walk around without jackets. Sometimes the snow melts enough that the waterfalls are flowing and so are the rivers. Before we go into the village, we always stop in the valley where the snow is plentiful and we can make little snowmen and snow angels.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Yosemite Feb 2010 (Way overdue)
Posted by Veronica, Collin and Jed at 3:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Our new bundle of joy!
We have another blessing in our life! Her name is Abigail Elizabeth Wheeler and she was born on May 18th. She weighed 8lbs 7oz. She is such a joy in our life and has completed our family.
She was not a happy camper when she came out. Then again when is a baby every happy to get out of such a warm place into a cold environment to get cleaned, poked and everything in between.
Finally in her daddy's arms. She is already a daddy's girl and Jed doesn't even know it yet. My poor daughter will have no chance when she gets older. Between her daddy, big brother, uncle and tata (grandpa), she has a fort of men that guys are going to have to go through
Posted by Veronica, Collin and Jed at 11:24 AM 0 comments
It has been awhile.......
Hello everyone! It has been over a year and let me tell you the year was filled with a lot of excitement. In Collin's life he did t-ball for the first time this year, he graduated from kindergarten, went to his first monster truck rally, participated in an art show and he turned 6. I have a 6 year old which is crazy! We also have a new addition in our family but that is on its own post. We are so proud of everything Collin has accomplished this past year.
Collin blowing out his candles on his birthday cake which I had to make to his specifications. He wanted his funfetti cake but with red in between (strawberry sauce) with blue frosting and his name in white frosting. My baby boy is 6!
Here he is standing in front of Gravedigger. The monster truck and driver did a signing at Jack in the box so we went to go see them. That weekend he went with Jed to see the rally at the Salinas Sports Complex.
Collin's teachers were amazing this year. I could not have asked for a better educational experience that he had to start him off on the right path. They were so great and really showed the kids that they can do a lot as long as you give it your all. Here he is getting his certificate of achievement for excellence in spelling. He can now read, write sentences and knows his addition facts from 1-5. He has blossomed so much and we are so proud of him.
Here is a picture of Collin with his T-ball team. He did amazing seeing as this was his first time participating in an organized sport. After the first game the coach decided to start pitching to the kids and Collin did great. From then on, the coach pitched to each it was T-ball for the first game.
Posted by Veronica, Collin and Jed at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Golfing with Daddy!
With the violence in Salinas, we had to stop with Collin's lessons for the fact that a lot of the shootings were just getting a little to close to the actual golf course we were at. This however has not stopped Collin's interest in golf and of course Jed being able to do the sport he loves with his son. They always have such a good time golfing at the park by our house. This needs to soon change to a different venue because Collin has improved on his swing that we are afraid he might hit a window or a car.
Posted by Veronica, Collin and Jed at 9:49 PM 0 comments
He Did It, He Is FINALLY Done!!!!!!!
Hello everyone! I know it has been a long time since our last post, but I promise it was for good reason! This was Jed's last semester of school and we both had a full course load on top of preparing for his graduation. This last semester was long and hard especially at the very end of the semester with his presentation and both of our finals. Nevertheless, we survived and we were both so excited when we were officially done for the semester.
Jed's capstone presentation was amazing. What is a capstone you ask? Well it is like a senior thesis and they have to present it to the Dean's of the school. His presentation was on Thursday (5/14), and the graduation was on Saturday May 16th at 10:30am. The day could not be more beautiful. We were expecting a heat wave, but not to the extent that it hit. We were also out in the open stadium with minimal was soooo worth it.
Jed was so excited as were we and the rest of his and my family. His mom, brother, sister and brother in law came into town. My parents were also able to come and see this wonderful day. I could not be more proud of Jed. He has worked so hard to finish his degree and it has paid off. He already has a job lined up which starts in 2 weeks. We are so proud of him!
with a lot of love
Veronica and Jed
Posted by Veronica, Collin and Jed at 9:23 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter !
Hello Everyone!
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter Sunday! We had a busy day, but it was a lot of fun! Of course the day started off like any other Sunday with our trip to San Carlos Cathedral. The mass of course was wonderful. Bishop Garcia of the Monterey Diocese presided today's mass and we all went as a big family. My mother, father, aunt, uncle and cousin joined us this morning. After mass there was a mini egg hunt on the grounds of the church, so of course Collin decided he wanted to (even though it was his third this weekend) and my cousin took part as well. When the kids were done with that we headed back home to start our cooking for the day.
However there was one important thing to do before we went home. I needed to stop and get this wonderful and glorious concoction called Starbucks!!!!!!What a wonderful site this is! Forty Days and not a single dollar spent there and of course no coffee at all! What was I thinking? Nevertheless I survived those 40 days with many temptations to give in! I felt good giving it up for so long but there were some mornings where I could have benefited from the wonderful aroma that brings this beauty to my nose. Nevertheless I did prevail!
Once we stopped at the drive-thru for the wonderful creation called coffee, it was time for Collin to see what the Easter bunny brought for him in his basket. He received both the movie and book of The Tale of Despereaux. He was so excited to see the movie because "Its in High Definition Mommy!!!" I was laughing so hard because he sounded like a commercial. He was equally excited about the book and demanded that we read it tonight for bedtime.When my parents arrived, my mother also brought him an Easter basket. She bought him real dominoes because last year she bought him some but they were wooden and they had numbers on them instead of the traditional ones. He loves to play with my dads set, so he now wanted the 'real' dominoes to play with. He was very happy with that.
Here he is going through his basket of goodies. He received a lot of eggs with goodies in them. But there was something special in the basket that he kept skipping over.
Here he was pulling out his very own flashlight that he could crank up to recharge. That way if he forgets to turn it off the battery does not waste. Still oblivious about the special part of his basket.
There is the special part of his basket. Cold hard cash and he was not even noticing it. He was more interested about the candy and books he received.
Here is playing with the stuff he had already had pulled from the basket and still unaware of the money in his basket.See his expression? He finally noticed the money in his basket. He screamed "Money!!!!" Was so excited about the money in his basket.
Admiring his $10 bill. He immediately put it in his Panama bank. It is a little bank that my mom brought back from Panama and she told him that if he filled it up that she would take him to Panama with her. Ever since then he picks up every little bit of change around the house to add to his collection. I find him many times with his hands in the couches to find loose change. He tells me that he needs to find all of the money he can so that he can go to Panama with his Nana.
Excited about his new books that he received from my mom. He had noticed the winnie the pooh book at my dad's house earlier in the week and had asked about it but of course he knew it was for him so when he saw it he said, "I knew this book was for me!" You cannot get anything past him.
Here he is looking over his inventory of this Easter. Of course he knows though the real reason why we have Easter, the religious aspect of it. He is becoming more aware of his religious questions recently and is really enjoying the regular Sunday masses that we attend. It makes us very happy because when he starts Kindergarten he will have more formal religion classes so now he will really have a better understanding about everything.
We started the cooking process and made a lot of food. We had turkey, ham, rice, potato salad, Panamanian potato salad and plantains. It was all so delicious! We had a great time spending it surrounded with our family, eating great food and of course watching the Masters.
We hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter day surrounded by the people who you love!
with love
Posted by Veronica, Collin and Jed at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Easter Eggs
Today I invited some of Collin's friends and his cousin over to decorate eggs for Easter. The boys had a blast and as you can see they had mostly blue or green eggs. They were so into the whole process loved the different options that they had. I was amazed on how many options they had. We had a glow in the dark kit, secret message kit, speckled kit and then of course the regular dye kits and sticker kits. When it was all said and done we went back in the house (because we were outside to not dye the floors) and had a little treat that we made for them. We have a lot more adventures to come this weekend. Easter egg hunt tomorrow, birthday party, then mass on Sunday and family time after that. Busy weekend but looking forward to it.
Posted by Veronica, Collin and Jed at 10:19 PM 0 comments