Sunday, May 17, 2009

He Did It, He Is FINALLY Done!!!!!!!

Hello everyone! I know it has been a long time since our last post, but I promise it was for good reason! This was Jed's last semester of school and we both had a full course load on top of preparing for his graduation. This last semester was long and hard especially at the very end of the semester with his presentation and both of our finals. Nevertheless, we survived and we were both so excited when we were officially done for the semester.

Jed's capstone presentation was amazing. What is a capstone you ask? Well it is like a senior thesis and they have to present it to the Dean's of the school. His presentation was on Thursday (5/14), and the graduation was on Saturday May 16th at 10:30am. The day could not be more beautiful. We were expecting a heat wave, but not to the extent that it hit. We were also out in the open stadium with minimal was soooo worth it.

Jed was so excited as were we and the rest of his and my family. His mom, brother, sister and brother in law came into town. My parents were also able to come and see this wonderful day. I could not be more proud of Jed. He has worked so hard to finish his degree and it has paid off. He already has a job lined up which starts in 2 weeks. We are so proud of him!

This was right before the ceremony. Collin was so excited for his daddy. That morning when we woke up, he came into the room and said, "Happy Graduation Day Daddy!" He was so proud of his daddy!

Here he is walking to the sitting area for the graduates.

This is Collin's tent that he made with my wrap because it got very warm. He loved his little tent because it had nice shade.

He also had to have a cushion that they were selling for the bleacher seats. He loved them and as you can see he used it as a pillow.

This was at the very end of the ceremony. There was so much excitement and emotion in the air. It was such a wonderful day!

We, The Wheeler family would just like to thank everyone for all of the support that we have received throughout the years. We could not have done it without the support of our wonderful families and friends. We love all of you!

with a lot of love
Veronica and Jed


Noah And Kai said...

congrats guys! It looks like a great day...