Sunday, January 11, 2009

Are You Kidding Me??????

Seriously!!! Are you kidding me??? It is winter, it is January and it is a high of 72 in Marina! What?!? We had to take the opportunity to go and play at the park that is across the street. As you can see in the pictures below the sun is shining and there are no clouds in the sky!!! This is amazing and it is only going to get warmer this week. We are so excited that our winter is not too cold.

At the top of the slide and a beautiful blue sky.

Talking about the skydivers that we saw with their colorful parachutes.

Can I just say that I love this little boy and the wonderful camera that Jed got me for Christmas.

One last ride around the block.

Such an awesome weekend with this bizarre warm weather. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining one bit just sooo surprised with the warm weather in January.

lots of love
Veronica and Jed

Collin Golfing 2009

Collin went back this Friday for his first golf lesson of 2009. He was so excited about going back to his normal routine, which was out of whack because of the holidays. We even arrived extra early just to be there and not miss a minute of his golf. He was actually having golfing withdrawals.

This is his new hat that he got before Christmas for the cold mornings. This is a huge deal because he would never wear a hat or beanie, even when he was a baby. He would pull it off faster than we could put it on. I just love his face in this photo, he looks like a little thug.

He amazes me when he knows a lot of the rules, regulations and proper names when it comes to the game of golf. He loves to raise his hand to answer the questions his instructor asks the group

Here his instructor is explaining the game that they were playing that tied into the lesson of the day. It was called chip, tac, toe. It is very similar like tic tac toe except they had to chip the ball into the squares and the first team to make a line wins. Collin and his teammate won the first time around and took second place when they had to blackout all of the squares.

Here he is teeing up his ball.

Since he was having huge withdrawals (definitely gets that from Jed), I told him that we could hit the driving range and he could hit the big bucket of balls all by himself. You would think you told him it was Christmas all over again. I am so happy that he has something that he truly loves to do and takes pride in doing it.

Taking a swing at it.

He was totally concentrating on his swing. We spent a long time at the driving range because now he is taking practice swings and really just taking his time between each ball.

Veronica and Jed

Thursday, January 1, 2009



Welcome 2009!

I am so excited about the year to come!!!! So many things are going to happen this year. We start with my birthday (in a couple of days), I will be 25 years old! Wow a quarter of a century. Then comes Jed's birthday in March he will be 29. After that he will be graduating from CSUMB! Woo-hoo! Soon after Collin will be graduating from preschool :( Now it is not a real graduation, however in my eyes it is. Then his birthday where he will be five years old! He will then be starting KINDERGARTEN!!!! Wow five years old and kindergarten. It is very bittersweet because my baby is not a baby anymore. He will be starting his academic career from here on out and continue until he goes to college. Then our anniversary,7 years will finish off the year.

So to send off the old year and welcome 2009 I wanted to do a year in pictures.

We usually start off every year with a trip to Yosemite

Collin with a snowball

Jed and Collin on the path to Bridal Veil Falls
one our favorite areas in Yosemite

Veronica and Collin at the base of Bridal Veil Falls

This was Collin's Spring pictures in Pacific Grove

Our trip to L.A. We go to this resort that has golf
courses and an all night driving range.

Father's Day at Giants Stadium. It was Oakland vs. the Giants

Collins 4th birthday

This summer was amazing because it was actually warm enough and sunny to make it to the beach almost every weekend. We had so much fun at the beach, we would be there all day.

Collin is a big fan of the water. He loves to swim but does not like the ocean at all. I think it is because the ocean is so big and never ending as opposed to the pool at the Sports Center. This is how close we get to the water.

This was our first trip to Disneyland with Collin and as a family. We had such a good time there and Collin was a trooper because we did it in one weekend and both parks.

Collin has really taken to his golfing and is loving it.

He loves his golf lessons with the First Tee.

We made it to Candy Cane Lane (thanks to Mo). It was our first time with Collin and I remember going when I was little. It is going to be a new tradition during the holidays.

Collin opening his first CD. Yes that is right he got a CD for Christmas. He had been asking for the CD of Kanye West (yes he listens to Kanye) since he saw Kanye debut his new single on the Ellen show. Before he got the CD, the song would be on the radio and he would tell either Jed or myself to turn it up. He loves 'Love Lockdown' and surprisingly the CD does not have the parental advisory sticker on the front so we agreed that for the most part it is okay.

Collin eating Mickey Mouse pancakes Christmas morning at my moms house. I also learned the trick to making them by putting the blueberries into the batter not after the pancake was done and just placing it on top. Needless to say this is how I need to make from here on out.

Collin's new sweatshirt from his grandma. He was so excited with his gifts from his grandma.

Here he is looking at his new book from his grandma from his grandma.

Playing soccer at the park in Merced

Kicking the ball. He is actually pretty good running and kicking with the ball at the same time.

Trying to kick the ball again.

Having a blast at the park.

2008 was a blast with a lot of fun memories and we are so excited for 2009! We hope that everyone had a wonderful 2008, a wonderful New Years. We wish everyone in our family and our friends a wonderful 2009!

lots of love

the wheeler family