Collin went back this Friday for his first golf lesson of 2009. He was so excited about going back to his normal routine, which was out of whack because of the holidays. We even arrived extra early just to be there and not miss a minute of his golf. He was actually having golfing withdrawals.

This is his new hat that he got before Christmas for the cold mornings. This is a huge deal because he would never wear a hat or beanie, even when he was a baby. He would pull it off faster than we could put it on. I just love his face in this photo, he looks like a little thug.

He amazes me when he knows a lot of the rules, regulations and proper names when it comes to the game of golf. He loves to raise his hand to answer the questions his instructor asks the group

Here his instructor is explaining the game that they were playing that tied into the lesson of the day. It was called chip, tac, toe. It is very similar like tic tac toe except they had to chip the ball into the squares and the first team to make a line wins. Collin and his teammate won the first time around and took second place when they had to blackout all of the squares.

Here he is teeing up his ball.

Since he was having huge withdrawals (definitely gets that from Jed), I told him that we could hit the driving range and he could hit the big bucket of balls all by himself. You would think you told him it was Christmas all over again. I am so happy that he has something that he truly loves to do and takes pride in doing it.

Taking a swing at it.

He was totally concentrating on his swing. We spent a long time at the driving range because now he is taking practice swings and really just taking his time between each ball.
Veronica and Jed
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